
Jack Cain
Photo: Tynan Studio, Toronto


The Trylus approach to helping is global and integral, and recognizes that we are spiritual beings who are here to experience terrestrial life. As our life proceeds, we encounter obstacles that may be physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. Key to our evolution, to our transformation, is the recognition that all the resources for healing are within each one of us. The Trylus approach is to facilitate your discovery of these resources using a variety of tools suited to this purpose.

The first tool is working with various states of consciousness. This work facilitates access to the subconscious or unconscious part of your consciousness. See the heading “Hypnosis.”

And the second tool is an energy work called The Reconnection®. See the heading “The Reconnection.”


The spiritual master G.I. Gurdjieff explains (in Beelzebub’s Tales, p. 22-23) that the purpose of his writing is to awaken our consciousness. He writes that his book is designed so that “the essence of certain real ideas may pass automatically” from our “pure waking consciousness,” which he considers to be “fictitious,” into our “subconscious” which he considers to be our “real human consciousness.” It was this concept that gave birth to Trylus.


Jung was reading in the ancient Greek: “True imagination [as opposed to fantasy] is seeing what really truly is.”

Peter Kingsley speaking in an interview: “Mystery: Murray Stein in conversation with Peter Kingsley about Jung’s Red Book.” 23:39

Examples of this working in the imaginal realm are to be found by clicking on the link to my blog which contains transcripts of some of the most interesting sessions.


Gospel of Thomas 70:1-5

Jesus said, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you will kill you.”